So, let’s take a look at what’s been in the news this week!
Dog-eating crocodile captured A 15-foot crocodile that had eaten up to nine pet dogs has been hauled out of a river in Australia's north, according to reports. The rogue croc was trapped at Daly River community, some 139 miles south of Darwin, where it was terrorising residents and animals, the Northern Territory News said. Community police officer Mark Casey told the newspaper his office had nine reports of dogs being taken by a crocodile, believed to be the animal caught, in a month. Read the story here Car drop off point A woman who had a miracle escape when her out-of-control car went hurtling towards a cliff-edge… and she managed to stop it just in time! Take a look at the picture and read the story here BAD WEEK FOR:
How work boredom is the new stress... and it affects everyone from office workers to those on the Afghan frontline New studies suggest boredom in the workplace is growing More people want satisfying jobs Even surgeons on the battlefield suffer from boredom See the top 10 boring jobs here
Lion tries to eat baby through glass A lion who decided it wanted to try and eat a baby at a zoo – only to be foiled by some protective glass. See the video here QUOTATION OF THE WEEK:
“Common looking people are the best in the world. That is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.” – Abraham Lincoln
A giraffe can clean its own ears with its 21-inch tongue A group of frogs is called an army A hard working adult sweats up to 4 gallons per day A hedgehog’s heart beats an average of 300 times a minute! PHOTO OF THE WEEK:
This week we’ve got something of a rogue’s gallery – it’s a collection of police photos of criminals with prominent tattoos! Have a look here OK, enough of the news. There are more important things to talk about, like last week’s homework ! Swatch – Swiss & Watch Brunch - Breakfast & lunch Motel - Motor & Hotel Oxfam - Oxford & Famine Hazchem - Hazardous & chemicals Oxbridge - Oxford & Cambridge Interpol - International & Police Eurovision - Europe & Television Chunnel - Channel & tunnel Camcorder - Camera & video recorder Guesstimate - Guess & estimate Fanzine – Fan-club & magazine Vegeburger - Vegetarian & (Ham)burger Shopaholic – Shopping & alcoholic ScotRail - Scotland & Railway Ecotastrophe - Ecological & catastrophe Fantabulous - Fantastic & fabulous Ginormous - Gigantic & enormous Amex - American & Express Docudrama - Documentary & drama And the very difficult riddle : Climb a cliff or castle wall, Make sure that you do not fall. In a model of a tank or car, This tells you just how small they are. The answer is SCALE . Scale can mean:the relationship between the actual size of something and its size on a map or model. For example, “this map has a scale of 1:25000”. to climb This week’s homework is a geography test for you!Explain the differences between the following pairs of words: England and (Great) Britain (Great) Britain and United Kingdom (Great) Britain and the British Isles Europe and Continental Europe The Middle East and the Far East India and the Indian Subcontinent America and North America South America and Latin America The Arctic and the Antarctic Australia and Australasia South Africa and Southern Africa What is the difference between the following adjectives? Arab and Arabic Scottish and Scotch Oriental and Occidental Which countries are sometimes called (colloquially): The States Down Under The Land of the Rising Sun The Emerald Isle For each country below give a) the adjective and b) the word describing the person from that country: For example: POLAND – a) Polish b) a Pole CHINA – Chinese b) a ChineseSWEDEN PAKISTAN THAILAND SCOTLAND TURKEY ENGLAND HOLLAND SPAIN FRANCE NEW ZEALAND DENMARK And your riddle this week: Copying, and diamond bright, Black as any inky night. Life we know it, at the heart, An alcohol’s essential part. Have a good week and until next weekend when I will write again with more news and homework Best wishes Paulк следующему выпуску